Vintage Ivory Star Earrings

Vintage Ivory, early 1980’s 1 ⅜” point-to-point Instant Karma got me when I found these vintage ivory star earrings! They are, quite simply, simply perfect. Perfectly proportioned with crisp edges, they make an out-of-this-world fashion statement. Ivory trading was banned worldwide by CITES, the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species in 1989, but in …

Kenneth Jay LaneGold Star Earrings

Kenneth Jay Lane, mid—late 1980’s 1 ½” point-to-point After graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1954, Kenneth Jay Lane (born 1930) moved to New York where he began his career as an art director at Vogue.  It was there that he realized he wanted to be creating the beautiful objects with which …